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ADVERTISE WITH DUBAICITY.COM is a member of influence’s content creation network powered by independent and self-motivated contributors with local knowledge and expertise. We are currently supporting thousands of contributors who share content that matters most to them, highlighted with local flair. is transforming how relevant content is created for audiences around the world. Our core focus is to create content that is meaningful to users through topics of interest, increased relevancy within local markets, and with an emphasis on content quality.


With over 5.6 million monthly unique visitors and 35 million page views. attracts an affluent, well-educated demographic:

  • 27% are more likely to have a household income of $100K+ than the average online user

  • 67% are more likely to have a college or post-graduate degree than the average online user

  • 50% are more likely to have a home value of $1M-$5M than the average online user

  • 121% are more likely to be at an EVP, SVP, or VP job level than the average online user is the premier site for discovering Dubai – your online guide, averaging more than 50,000 visitors per month, and more than 200,000-page impressions. Banner advertising gives you the opportunity to capitalize on that traffic and increase the frequency of messaging. By integrating Web advertising into your marketing or lead-generation campaign, you extend your brand exposure to a highly targeted audience of marketing research professionals.

Ad Types and Positions offers several ad formats and numerous targeted page locations. Consult a DubaiCity representative at for a complete list of online opportunities and specific audience counts and targeting.

Top/Bottom Banner Ad: This placement is available as a shared space on any Web page. Up to five advertisers rotate randomly between the top and bottom position on a page, displaying each banner ad to 40% of the viewing traffic (20% in the top position and 20% in the bottom position). Advertisers also have the option of buying additional views, if available.

Side Box Ad: Want a large, prominent ad but also want it to appear to 100% of all page visitors? A side box ad is a perfect option. Side ads randomly change position with each visit (or page refresh) but are always visible to every viewer of the page. Most pages have no more than one side ad, meaning you are in the top position 100% of the time.

Unique Page Placement

Home Page: With more than 25,000 views per month the home page is the most popular page on the site.

Run of Directory or Run of Section: Advertising in DubaiCity’s different resource and main directory sections is not limited to just a single page in the section. Ads now appear on all the main pages within the section – giving your message far more exposure. For example, an advertiser who purchases the panel directory will have their ad appear on the panel directory search page, the general directory search results page and even on the company details pages (including on competitor pages). The same is true for our other directories, articles, events, discussion forums, blogs, and other sections of our site.

Niche Topic Pages: Let potential customers know you are a leader in a given niche by advertising in one of our new micro-niche pages. As an added bonus, your ad will appear on the related subtopic micro pages.


Advertisement Details
Top/Bottom Banner Ad.
Side Box Ad.
Time period included in price
Percent of page visitors for which ad is displayed
Dimensions in pixels
728w X 90h
300w X 250h
Page Location
Price for Top/Bottom Ad.
Price for Side Box Ad.
All Other Single Pages
Any Single Niche Topic Page
Any Single Directory Page
Home Page

10% discount given for a one-year contract on all Web ad placements.


*The top/bottom banner space on select pages is shared by up to five advertisers unless otherwise contracted. The price quoted for the top/ bottom banner is for 20% of the rotation (1 of 5). You can purchase additional rotations if available.

**The top/bottom banner space on niche topic pages is shared by just three advertisers unless otherwise contracted. The price quoted for the top/ bottom banner is for 50% of the rotation in the top position and 50% in the bottom position.

± Side box ads appear to 100% of all page views.

Creative Specs

All site advertise ads must follow these creative specs:

  • Maximum polite file sizes are 40k .jpg .gif .swf or rich media

  • Maximum animation time is 15 seconds (includes up to 3 loops)

  • Rich media units require user-initiated expansion

  • Sound must be user-initiated

  • All click-throughs must open in a new browser window

  • Ads cannot be disguised as news or mimic site functionality

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